Auto Width?

My Projects

Django Migration TestCase: Because I think that migrations really really should be tested. I found a way of doing it for South and added my own way for Django's own migration system.

Flask-Table: so that you don't have to write HTML. Includes formatting of different datatypes, allows links and buttons in a cell, and allows headers to be links to sort the data.

MyHome: the code used to generate this website. Uses Jinja2 to turn some templates into some HTML files and throws them at GitHub pages.

Tree Identifier: a site to help identify what species of tree you might be looking at.

Pysql Browser: my attempt at writing a GUI MySQL browser in Python and Qt. Still a work in progress, but well worth a look if you don't like MySQL Workbench. It supports connection over an SSH tunnel and syntax-highlights your MySQL.

Project Euler: my Project Euler solutions (link). I know that Project Euler tells you not to publish your solutions, but if you want to look up the answers and ruin all the fun for yourself, then you can. My solutions use a range of languages, but mostly Python and Java. There is a bit of C too, and one using just Bash, which I am particularly proud of, though probably shouldn't be.

Django Mainstay: a component-based Django application, with a few components to go with. Very much a work in progress. My intention was to aim for something similar to ownCloud but written with Django.